/****************************************************************************** * $Id: ogr_spatialref.h 33631 2016-03-04 06:28:09Z goatbar $ * * Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation * Purpose: Classes for manipulating spatial reference systems in a * platform non-specific manner. * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1999, Les Technologies SoftMap Inc. * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef OGR_SPATIALREF_H_INCLUDED #define OGR_SPATIALREF_H_INCLUDED #include "ogr_srs_api.h" /** * \file ogr_spatialref.h * * Coordinate systems services. */ /************************************************************************/ /* OGR_SRSNode */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Objects of this class are used to represent value nodes in the parsed * representation of the WKT SRS format. For instance UNIT["METER",1] * would be rendered into three OGR_SRSNodes. The root node would have a * value of UNIT, and two children, the first with a value of METER, and the * second with a value of 1. * * Normally application code just interacts with the OGRSpatialReference * object, which uses the OGR_SRSNode to implement it's data structure; * however, this class is user accessible for detailed access to components * of an SRS definition. */ class CPL_DLL OGR_SRSNode { char *pszValue; OGR_SRSNode **papoChildNodes; OGR_SRSNode *poParent; int nChildren; int NeedsQuoting() const; OGRErr importFromWkt( char **, int nRecLevel, int* pnNodes ); public: OGR_SRSNode(const char * = NULL); ~OGR_SRSNode(); int IsLeafNode() const { return nChildren == 0; } int GetChildCount() const { return nChildren; } OGR_SRSNode *GetChild( int ); const OGR_SRSNode *GetChild( int ) const; OGR_SRSNode *GetNode( const char * ); const OGR_SRSNode *GetNode( const char * ) const; void InsertChild( OGR_SRSNode *, int ); void AddChild( OGR_SRSNode * ); int FindChild( const char * ) const; void DestroyChild( int ); void ClearChildren(); void StripNodes( const char * ); const char *GetValue() const { return pszValue; } void SetValue( const char * ); void MakeValueSafe(); OGRErr FixupOrdering(); OGR_SRSNode *Clone() const; OGRErr importFromWkt( char ** ); OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ) const; OGRErr exportToPrettyWkt( char **, int = 1) const; OGRErr applyRemapper( const char *pszNode, char **papszSrcValues, char **papszDstValues, int nStepSize = 1, int bChildOfHit = FALSE ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRSpatialReference */ /************************************************************************/ /** * This class represents an OpenGIS Spatial Reference System, and contains * methods for converting between this object organization and well known * text (WKT) format. This object is reference counted as one instance of * the object is normally shared between many OGRGeometry objects. * * Normally application code can fetch needed parameter values for this * SRS using GetAttrValue(), but in special cases the underlying parse tree * (or OGR_SRSNode objects) can be accessed more directly. * * See the tutorial for more information on * how to use this class. */ class CPL_DLL OGRSpatialReference { double dfFromGreenwich; double dfToMeter; double dfToDegrees; OGR_SRSNode *poRoot; int nRefCount; int bNormInfoSet; static OGRErr Validate(OGR_SRSNode *poRoot); static OGRErr ValidateAuthority(OGR_SRSNode *poRoot); static OGRErr ValidateAxis(OGR_SRSNode *poRoot); static OGRErr ValidateUnit(OGR_SRSNode *poRoot); static OGRErr ValidateVertDatum(OGR_SRSNode *poRoot); static OGRErr ValidateProjection( OGR_SRSNode* poRoot ); static int IsAliasFor( const char *, const char * ); void GetNormInfo() const; OGRErr importFromURNPart(const char* pszAuthority, const char* pszCode, const char* pszURN); public: OGRSpatialReference(const OGRSpatialReference&); OGRSpatialReference(const char * = NULL); virtual ~OGRSpatialReference(); static void DestroySpatialReference(OGRSpatialReference* poSRS); OGRSpatialReference &operator=(const OGRSpatialReference&); int Reference(); int Dereference(); int GetReferenceCount() const { return nRefCount; } void Release(); OGRSpatialReference *Clone() const; OGRSpatialReference *CloneGeogCS() const; void dumpReadable(); OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ) const; OGRErr exportToPrettyWkt( char **, int = FALSE) const; OGRErr exportToProj4( char ** ) const; OGRErr exportToPCI( char **, char **, double ** ) const; OGRErr exportToUSGS( long *, long *, double **, long * ) const; OGRErr exportToXML( char **, const char * = NULL ) const; OGRErr exportToPanorama( long *, long *, long *, long *, double * ) const; OGRErr exportToERM( char *pszProj, char *pszDatum, char *pszUnits ); OGRErr exportToMICoordSys( char ** ) const; OGRErr importFromWkt( char ** ); OGRErr importFromProj4( const char * ); OGRErr importFromEPSG( int ); OGRErr importFromEPSGA( int ); OGRErr importFromESRI( char ** ); OGRErr importFromPCI( const char *, const char * = NULL, double * = NULL ); #define USGS_ANGLE_DECIMALDEGREES 0 #define USGS_ANGLE_PACKEDDMS TRUE /* 1 */ #define USGS_ANGLE_RADIANS 2 OGRErr importFromUSGS( long iProjSys, long iZone, double *padfPrjParams, long iDatum, int nUSGSAngleFormat = USGS_ANGLE_PACKEDDMS ); OGRErr importFromPanorama( long, long, long, double* ); OGRErr importFromOzi( const char * const* papszLines ); OGRErr importFromWMSAUTO( const char *pszAutoDef ); OGRErr importFromXML( const char * ); OGRErr importFromDict( const char *pszDict, const char *pszCode ); OGRErr importFromURN( const char * ); OGRErr importFromCRSURL( const char * ); OGRErr importFromERM( const char *pszProj, const char *pszDatum, const char *pszUnits ); OGRErr importFromUrl( const char * ); OGRErr importFromMICoordSys( const char * ); OGRErr morphToESRI(); OGRErr morphFromESRI(); OGRErr Validate(); OGRErr StripCTParms( OGR_SRSNode * = NULL ); OGRErr StripVertical(); OGRErr FixupOrdering(); OGRErr Fixup(); int EPSGTreatsAsLatLong(); int EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting(); const char *GetAxis( const char *pszTargetKey, int iAxis, OGRAxisOrientation *peOrientation ) const; OGRErr SetAxes( const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszXAxisName, OGRAxisOrientation eXAxisOrientation, const char *pszYAxisName, OGRAxisOrientation eYAxisOrientation ); // Machinery for accessing parse nodes OGR_SRSNode *GetRoot() { return poRoot; } const OGR_SRSNode *GetRoot() const { return poRoot; } void SetRoot( OGR_SRSNode * ); OGR_SRSNode *GetAttrNode(const char *); const OGR_SRSNode *GetAttrNode(const char *) const; const char *GetAttrValue(const char *, int = 0) const; OGRErr SetNode( const char *, const char * ); OGRErr SetNode( const char *, double ); OGRErr SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters( const char *pszName, double dfInMeters ); OGRErr SetLinearUnits( const char *pszName, double dfInMeters ); OGRErr SetTargetLinearUnits( const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszName, double dfInMeters ); double GetLinearUnits( char ** = NULL ) const; double GetTargetLinearUnits( const char *pszTargetKey, char ** ppszRetName = NULL ) const; OGRErr SetAngularUnits( const char *pszName, double dfInRadians ); double GetAngularUnits( char ** = NULL ) const; double GetPrimeMeridian( char ** = NULL ) const; int IsGeographic() const; int IsProjected() const; int IsGeocentric() const; int IsLocal() const; int IsVertical() const; int IsCompound() const; int IsSameGeogCS( const OGRSpatialReference * ) const; int IsSameVertCS( const OGRSpatialReference * ) const; int IsSame( const OGRSpatialReference * ) const; void Clear(); OGRErr SetLocalCS( const char * ); OGRErr SetProjCS( const char * ); OGRErr SetProjection( const char * ); OGRErr SetGeocCS( const char * pszGeocName ); OGRErr SetGeogCS( const char * pszGeogName, const char * pszDatumName, const char * pszEllipsoidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, const char * pszPMName = NULL, double dfPMOffset = 0.0, const char * pszUnits = NULL, double dfConvertToRadians = 0.0 ); OGRErr SetWellKnownGeogCS( const char * ); OGRErr CopyGeogCSFrom( const OGRSpatialReference * poSrcSRS ); OGRErr SetVertCS( const char *pszVertCSName, const char *pszVertDatumName, int nVertDatumClass = 2005 ); OGRErr SetCompoundCS( const char *pszName, const OGRSpatialReference *poHorizSRS, const OGRSpatialReference *poVertSRS ); OGRErr SetFromUserInput( const char * ); OGRErr SetTOWGS84( double, double, double, double = 0.0, double = 0.0, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 ); OGRErr GetTOWGS84( double *padfCoef, int nCoeff = 7 ) const; double GetSemiMajor( OGRErr * = NULL ) const; double GetSemiMinor( OGRErr * = NULL ) const; double GetInvFlattening( OGRErr * = NULL ) const; OGRErr SetAuthority( const char * pszTargetKey, const char * pszAuthority, int nCode ); OGRErr AutoIdentifyEPSG(); int GetEPSGGeogCS(); const char *GetAuthorityCode( const char * pszTargetKey ) const; const char *GetAuthorityName( const char * pszTargetKey ) const; const char *GetExtension( const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszName, const char *pszDefault = NULL ) const; OGRErr SetExtension( const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszName, const char *pszValue ); int FindProjParm( const char *pszParameter, const OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS=NULL ) const; OGRErr SetProjParm( const char *, double ); double GetProjParm( const char *, double =0.0, OGRErr* = NULL ) const; OGRErr SetNormProjParm( const char *, double ); double GetNormProjParm( const char *, double=0.0, OGRErr* =NULL)const; static int IsAngularParameter( const char * ); static int IsLongitudeParameter( const char * ); static int IsLinearParameter( const char * ); /** Albers Conic Equal Area */ OGRErr SetACEA( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Azimuthal Equidistant */ OGRErr SetAE( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Bonne */ OGRErr SetBonne( double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Cylindrical Equal Area */ OGRErr SetCEA( double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Cassini-Soldner */ OGRErr SetCS( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Equidistant Conic */ OGRErr SetEC( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Eckert I-VI */ OGRErr SetEckert( int nVariation, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); OGRErr SetEckertIV( double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); OGRErr SetEckertVI( double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Equirectangular */ OGRErr SetEquirectangular(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Equirectangular generalized form : */ OGRErr SetEquirectangular2( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfPseudoStdParallel1, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Geostationary Satellite */ OGRErr SetGEOS( double dfCentralMeridian, double dfSatelliteHeight, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Goode Homolosine */ OGRErr SetGH( double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Interrupted Goode Homolosine */ OGRErr SetIGH(); /** Gall Stereograpic */ OGRErr SetGS( double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Gauss Schreiber Transverse Mercator */ OGRErr SetGaussSchreiberTMercator(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Gnomonic */ OGRErr SetGnomonic(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Hotine Oblique Mercator */ OGRErr SetHOM( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); OGRErr SetHOM2PNO( double dfCenterLat, double dfLat1, double dfLong1, double dfLat2, double dfLong2, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); OGRErr SetOM( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Hotine Oblique Mercator Azimuth Center / Variant B */ OGRErr SetHOMAC( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** International Map of the World Polyconic */ OGRErr SetIWMPolyconic( double dfLat1, double dfLat2, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Krovak Oblique Conic Conformal */ OGRErr SetKrovak( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfAzimuth, double dfPseudoStdParallelLat, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area */ OGRErr SetLAEA( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Lambert Conformal Conic */ OGRErr SetLCC( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Lambert Conformal Conic 1SP */ OGRErr SetLCC1SP( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Lambert Conformal Conic (Belgium) */ OGRErr SetLCCB( double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Miller Cylindrical */ OGRErr SetMC( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Mercator */ OGRErr SetMercator( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); OGRErr SetMercator2SP( double dfStdP1, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Mollweide */ OGRErr SetMollweide( double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** New Zealand Map Grid */ OGRErr SetNZMG( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Oblique Stereographic */ OGRErr SetOS( double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing); /** Orthographic */ OGRErr SetOrthographic( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing); /** Polyconic */ OGRErr SetPolyconic( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Polar Stereographic */ OGRErr SetPS( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing); /** Robinson */ OGRErr SetRobinson( double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Sinusoidal */ OGRErr SetSinusoidal( double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Stereographic */ OGRErr SetStereographic( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting,double dfFalseNorthing); /** Swiss Oblique Cylindrical */ OGRErr SetSOC( double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Transverse Mercator */ OGRErr SetTM( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Transverse Mercator variants. */ OGRErr SetTMVariant( const char *pszVariantName, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Tunesia Mining Grid */ OGRErr SetTMG( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Transverse Mercator (South Oriented) */ OGRErr SetTMSO( double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Two Point Equidistant */ OGRErr SetTPED( double dfLat1, double dfLong1, double dfLat2, double dfLong2, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** VanDerGrinten */ OGRErr SetVDG( double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Universal Transverse Mercator */ OGRErr SetUTM( int nZone, int bNorth = TRUE ); int GetUTMZone( int *pbNorth = NULL ) const; /** Wagner I -- VII */ OGRErr SetWagner( int nVariation, double dfCenterLat, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing ); /** Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube */ OGRErr SetQSC(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong); /** Spherical, Cross-track, Height */ OGRErr SetSCH( double dfPegLat, double dfPegLong, double dfPegHeading, double dfPegHgt); /** State Plane */ OGRErr SetStatePlane( int nZone, int bNAD83 = TRUE, const char *pszOverrideUnitName = NULL, double dfOverrideUnit = 0.0 ); OGRErr ImportFromESRIStatePlaneWKT( int nCode, const char* pszDatumName, const char* pszUnitsName, int nPCSCode, const char* pszCSName = NULL ); OGRErr ImportFromESRIWisconsinWKT( const char* pszPrjName, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfLatOfOrigin, const char* pszUnitsName, const char* pszCSName = NULL ); static OGRSpatialReference* GetWGS84SRS(); }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRCoordinateTransformation */ /* */ /* This is really just used as a base class for a private */ /* implementation. */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Interface for transforming between coordinate systems. * * Currently, the only implementation within OGR is OGRProj4CT, which * requires the PROJ.4 library to be available at run-time. * * Also, see OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation() for creating transformations. */ class CPL_DLL OGRCoordinateTransformation { public: virtual ~OGRCoordinateTransformation() {} static void DestroyCT(OGRCoordinateTransformation* poCT); // From CT_CoordinateTransformation /** Fetch internal source coordinate system. */ virtual OGRSpatialReference *GetSourceCS() = 0; /** Fetch internal target coordinate system. */ virtual OGRSpatialReference *GetTargetCS() = 0; // From CT_MathTransform /** * Transform points from source to destination space. * * This method is the same as the C function OCTTransform(). * * The method TransformEx() allows extended success information to * be captured indicating which points failed to transform. * * @param nCount number of points to transform. * @param x array of nCount X vertices, modified in place. * @param y array of nCount Y vertices, modified in place. * @param z array of nCount Z vertices, modified in place. * @return TRUE on success, or FALSE if some or all points fail to * transform. */ virtual int Transform( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z = NULL ) = 0; /** * Transform points from source to destination space. * * This method is the same as the C function OCTTransformEx(). * * @param nCount number of points to transform. * @param x array of nCount X vertices, modified in place. * @param y array of nCount Y vertices, modified in place. * @param z array of nCount Z vertices, modified in place. * @param pabSuccess array of per-point flags set to TRUE if that point * transforms, or FALSE if it does not. * * @return TRUE if some or all points transform successfully, or FALSE if * if none transform. */ virtual int TransformEx( int nCount, double *x, double *y, double *z = NULL, int *pabSuccess = NULL ) = 0; }; OGRCoordinateTransformation CPL_DLL * OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation( OGRSpatialReference *poSource, OGRSpatialReference *poTarget ); #endif /* ndef OGR_SPATIALREF_H_INCLUDED */