SuiteSparse_config, 2016, Timothy A. Davis, (formerly the UFconfig package) This directory contains a default file. It tries to detect your system (Linux, SunOS, or Mac), which compiler to use (icc or cc), which BLAS and LAPACK library to use (OpenBLAS or MKL), and whether or not to compile with CUDA. For alternatives, see the comments in the file. License: No licensing restrictions apply to this file or to the SuiteSparse_config directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SuiteSparse_config contains configuration settings for all many of the software packages that I develop or co-author. Note that older versions of some of these packages do not require SuiteSparse_config. Package Description ------- ----------- AMD approximate minimum degree ordering CAMD constrained AMD COLAMD column approximate minimum degree ordering CCOLAMD constrained approximate minimum degree ordering UMFPACK sparse LU factorization, with the BLAS CXSparse int/long/real/complex version of CSparse CHOLMOD sparse Cholesky factorization, update/downdate KLU sparse LU factorization, BLAS-free BTF permutation to block triangular form LDL concise sparse LDL' LPDASA LP Dual Active Set Algorithm RBio read/write files in Rutherford/Boeing format SPQR sparse QR factorization (full name: SuiteSparseQR) SuiteSparse_config is not required by these packages: CSparse a Concise Sparse matrix package MATLAB_Tools toolboxes for use in MATLAB In addition, the xerbla/ directory contains Fortan and C versions of the BLAS/LAPACK xerbla routine, which is called when an invalid input is passed to the BLAS or LAPACK. The xerbla provided here does not print any message, so the entire Fortran I/O library does not need to be linked into a C application. Most versions of the BLAS contain xerbla, but those from K. Goto do not. Use this if you need too. If you edit this directory ( in particular) then you must do "make purge ; make" in the parent directory to recompile all of SuiteSparse. Otherwise, the changes will not necessarily be applied.