/* ========================================================================== */ /* === umfpack_load_numeric ================================================= */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Copyright (c) 2005-2012 by Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com. */ /* All Rights Reserved. See ../Doc/License for License. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int umfpack_di_load_numeric ( void **Numeric, char *filename ) ; SuiteSparse_long umfpack_dl_load_numeric ( void **Numeric, char *filename ) ; int umfpack_zi_load_numeric ( void **Numeric, char *filename ) ; SuiteSparse_long umfpack_zl_load_numeric ( void **Numeric, char *filename ) ; /* double int Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" int status ; char *filename ; void *Numeric ; status = umfpack_di_load_numeric (&Numeric, filename) ; double SuiteSparse_long Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" SuiteSparse_long status ; char *filename ; void *Numeric ; status = umfpack_dl_load_numeric (&Numeric, filename) ; complex int Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" int status ; char *filename ; void *Numeric ; status = umfpack_zi_load_numeric (&Numeric, filename) ; complex SuiteSparse_long Syntax: #include "umfpack.h" SuiteSparse_long status ; char *filename ; void *Numeric ; status = umfpack_zl_load_numeric (&Numeric, filename) ; Purpose: Loads a Numeric object from a file created by umfpack_*_save_numeric. The Numeric handle passed to this routine is overwritten with the new object. If that object exists prior to calling this routine, a memory leak will occur. The contents of Numeric are ignored on input. Returns: UMFPACK_OK if successful. UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory if not enough memory is available. UMFPACK_ERROR_file_IO if an I/O error occurred. Arguments: void **Numeric ; Output argument. **Numeric is the address of a (void *) pointer variable in the user's calling routine (see Syntax, above). On input, the contents of this variable are not defined. On output, this variable holds a (void *) pointer to the Numeric object (if successful), or (void *) NULL if a failure occurred. char *filename ; Input argument, not modified. A string that contains the filename from which to read the Numeric object. */