/* Warnings for R keywords, built-in names and bad names. */ #define RKW(x) %keywordwarn("'" `x` "' is a R keyword, renaming to '_" `x`"'", rename="_%s") `x` #define RSWIGKW(x) %keywordwarn("'" `x` "' is a SWIG R reserved parameter name, renaming to '_" `x`"'", rename="_%s") `x` /* Warnings for R reserved words taken from http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-lang.html#Reserved-words */ RKW(if); RKW(else); RKW(repeat); RKW(while); RKW(function); RKW(for); RKW(in); RKW(next); RKW(break); RKW(TRUE); RKW(FALSE); RKW(NULL); RKW(Inf); RKW(NaN); RKW(NA); RKW(NA_integer_); RKW(NA_real_); RKW(NA_complex_); RKW(NA_character_); RSWIGKW(self); #undef RKW #undef RSWIGKW